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克里斯汀休曼, 博士学位, received her Bachelor of Arts in Physical 教育 with a concentration in fitness management from Northwestern College in Orange City, 爱荷华州. She went on to earn both her Master of Science in Exercise and Wellness and her 博士学位 in Physical Activity, Nutrition and Wellness from 亚利桑那州ona State University. Heumann has taught Zumba, Foundations of Kinesiology, Health and Fitness Assessment, Physiology of Exercise, Anatomical Kinesiology, Advanced Strength and Conditioning, Worksite Health Promotion, Physical Activity and Aging and oversees student internships. She currently serves as the Assistant Academic Department Head for the Department of Kinesiology. In this role, she oversees Exercise Science, Fitness & Health Promotion, and Outdoor Recreation Industry Studies programs, the Health & Wellness course, as well as all activity courses. Heumann is the 教育 Recognition Program Director of the Strength and Conditioning and Personal Training programs for the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). She is the Colorado State Director and serves on the National Women's Committee for the NSCA.

Prior to teaching, Heumann acted as a personal trainer for a research study being conducted at 亚利桑那州ona State University. She then worked as a lifestyle coordinator in the Worksite Health Promotion setting for Freescale Semiconductor in Tempe, 亚利桑那州. She has spent time coaching jump rope and teaching jump rope classes. Heumann then went on to teach at 亚利桑那州ona State University while she was a teaching associate in courses including Aerobics, 举重训练, Instructional Competency Cardiovascular Fitness, and Technology and Physical Activity. She also taught courses at Chandler Gilbert Community College as an adjunct professor. While living in Madrid, 西班牙, 一个学期, she taught courses at the Universidad Europea de Madrid, including a Master's Lecture course for the EUROSPORT Master's program in multimedia sports journalism.

作为一名教育者, Heumann strives to challenge students to think critically to evaluate their core beliefs. She sees the role of educators to push students past knowledge of the subject and into application and significance. She believes that with hands-on experience, students are more engaged and can relate their experiences to their learning. She also continues to introduce information to her courses as it is being published.

Heumann primarily has studied the effects of exercise on bone health in children and young adult women. She has researched physical activity assessments and the effects of deployment on fitness parameters and medical utilization. 最近, her research has focused on health outcomes throughout allied health career programs, baseball performance outcomes, and the utilization of health and wellness as well as activity courses in higher education. Heumann is also interested in the areas of strength and conditioning, athletic performance, and gender differences in training. For exercise, she likes to try new exercise modalities and loves teaching Zumba. Heumann enjoys spending her free time with her family and supporting the Mavericks.

Professor of Kinesiology 克里斯汀休曼's curriculum vitae

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Specht,我.萨尼,K., Botti-Lodovico, Y.休斯,M。.休曼,K.布朗森,A.马歇尔,J。.男爵.帕里,E.O .格伦农.弗莱,B.哥伦比亚,A.萨贝提,P.C. (2021). The case for altruism in institutional diagnostic testing. Scientific Reports, 12, 1857.

穆雷,年代.R.M .默里.B., & 休曼K.J. (2021). The status of physical education service programs in Utah's colleges and universities. Journal of Kinesiology and Wellness, 10(1), 86-97.

休曼K.J.美国默里市.R. (2020). The status of physical education in Colorado's colleges and universities. Journal of Kinesiology and Wellness, 8, 29-35.

Ferland P.波洛克,A.斯沃普,R.瑞安,M.里德,M.休曼,K.J.Comtois, A.S. (2020). The relationship between physical characteristics and maximal strength in men practicing the back squat, the bench press and the deadlift. International Journal of Exercise Science, 13(4), 281-297.

霍金斯J.R.休曼,K.J. (2019). Hyperbaric oxygen treatment - helpful or placebo? Medical Research Archives, 7(11), 1-7.

冈萨雷斯,K.霍金斯.R.史密斯,G.A.休曼,K.J.纽约州波托奇尼市.S. (2018). Assessment of oxygen saturation levels during a mild hyperbaric chamber treatment. Journal of Clinical Investigation and Studies, 1(2), 1-3.

休曼K.J.美国默里市.R. (2018). Double the fun with two-person, one rope jump rope. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 31(1), 5-12.

霍金斯J.R.里德,M.休曼,K.J. (2017). Cryotherapy - A call for further research. Archives of Medical Research, 5(7), 1-6.

冈萨雷斯,K.霍金斯.R.休曼,K. (2017). The effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a treatment for postconcussion symptoms. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 26(3), 290-294.

霍金斯J.R.休曼,K.J. (2017). The clinical use of a hyperbaric chamber as a modality to aid in recovery. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 39(3), 31-34.

休曼K.J.西莫里诺,J.霍金斯.R.佩蒂特,R.W.美国默里市.R. (2016). The acute effect of walking on ultrasound measurements from the Achilles InSight ultrasonometer in college-aged individuals. International Journal of Exercise Science, 9(4), Article 11.

休曼K.J.美国默里市.R. (2015). Jump Rope: '"Tricks" of the trade. Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators, 28(5), 3-9.

休曼K.J.斯旺,P.D. (2014). Qualitative ultrasound comparisons between pre-pubertal normally active girls verses competitive jump rope participants. Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, 22, 54-58.

赫曼,年代.D.休曼,K.J.d . Ananian, C ..A. 安斯沃思,B.A. (2013). Validity and reliability of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ). Measurement in Physical 教育 and Exercise Science, 17, 221-235.

Malehorn K.希尼克,J.麦基,T.休曼,K.J.美国默里市.R.佩蒂特,R.W. (2013). Kinesio Tape® applied to the thorax augments ventilatory efficiency during heavy exercise. International Journal of Exercise Science, 6(2), 157-163.

Warr B.J.休曼,K.J.多德,D。.J.斯旺,P.D.阿尔瓦,B.A. (2012年10月). Injuries, changes in fitness, and medical demands in deployed National Guard soldiers. Military Medicine, 177(10), 1136-1142.

Warr B.J.阿尔瓦,B.多德,D。.休曼,K.米特罗斯,M.基廷,C.斯旺,P.D. (November, 2011). How do they compare?: an assessment of pre-deployment fitness in the 亚利桑那州ona National Guard. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(11), 2955-2962.

穆雷,年代.R.休曼,K.J. (2022). Wellness for 生活, (4th ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

穆雷,年代.R.休曼,K.J. (2015). Wellness for 生活, (3rd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.


克里斯汀休曼's curriculum vitae